Enumeration FixedAngle

This is a class that extends the Enum class.

Enumeration Members

RIGHT: FixedAngle


enumName: string

The name of the constant, i.e. the member name.

enumValue: number

The value of the constant.


  • Returns string


  • Returns a constant with the specified name, or undefined if not found. (Case-sensitive)

    Shortcut to using getMap.


    • name: string

    Returns FixedAngle

  • Returns a constant with the specified value, or undefined if not found.

    Shortcut to using getReverseMap and getMap.


    • value: number

    Returns FixedAngle

  • Enum names to constant instances.

    Can be used to get the names and values of all constants in this enum.

    Returns Map<string, FixedAngle>

  • Enum values to names.

    Returns Map<number, string>