Interface DecoderOptions

interface DecoderOptions {
    ignoreConfigCmdData?: boolean;


ignoreConfigCmdData?: boolean

A config command is an array in [CmdType, null | configMessage] format. null means that the config command is empty, and the game won't change config of the target object. configMessage contains the config values, and it will be referred to as "config data" in the docs.

Setting this option to true tells the decoder to ignore the config data while decoding a config command, but take the raw data. The null is still read. Whether the config data is not decoded can be checked using ConfigCmd#isRaw.

A Blueprint containing non-decoded ConfigCmds can still be encoded. The raw data can be decoded individually using the decodeConfigCmd function, when needed.

Consider enabling this if you don't need to read all the config commands, to avoid unnecessary use of resources and decode a little faster.