Class ConfigCmd

All the properties can be set. Set to undefined to remove a property, null to use ConfigCmd.defaults during encoding.

new ConfigCmd() // empty config
new ConfigCmd({ loader: null }) // default loader config
new ConfigCmd({ loader: { dropPoint: LoaderPoint.BOTTOM } }) // loader config with drop point bottom, rest default
cmd.loader.priority = null // change priority of existing loader config to default

Hierarchy (view full)



  • Parameters

    • Optionalinput: ConfigCmdOptions

      If omitted, the config will be empty. The game won't modify the existing config of an already placed object if the config command is empty.

    Returns ConfigCmd


angle: number

Used for expando boxes. [0, 360] float.

filterItems: [Item, Item, Item]
filterMode: FilterMode

What the filter for hatches and loaders should do.

fixedAngle: FixedAngle

Used for shield generators.

loader: LoaderConfig = {}
pusher: PusherConfig = {}


  • get isRaw(): boolean
  • Checks whether the data of this command is not decoded. Comes from decoding a blueprint with DecoderOptions.ignoreConfigCmdData = true.

    Returns boolean

  • get defaults(): Required<ConfigCmdOptions>
  • An object for default config values, intented to match the game's defaults. Used for properties that are null during encoding.

    You can modify this as you wish, so that you don't have to depend on the defaults of the library. See the object definition in ConfigCmd.ts.

    Returns Required<ConfigCmdOptions>

  • set defaults(input): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • Checks whether this command has the same configuration as the target command.


    Returns boolean

  • Changes multiple properties of the command.


    Returns this